The Source of the Edgar Cayce Readings recommended the use of a variety of medical appliances to the individuals requesting the readings. People sometimes confuse two of the most popular devices, the Wet Cell Appliance, and the Radial-Active or Radio-Active Appliance. The latter device has nothing to do with nuclear radiation. It acts to equalize natural electrical charges within the body’s cells.

Then the action [of the Radio-Active Appliance] is as this: An excess in one, by a unison of electronic agencies, may be forced to assist that one deficient. That one deficient may receive sufficient of electronic agents, vibrations, to the body to increase and assist the body in gaining its perfect equilibrium. Acting as the same principle to the body as this:

The whole organism of the human body made up of such electronic forces as is necessary for sufficient rest in that called sleep to recuperate the energies of the whole body. This application produces, then, that same effect in the system. [Reading 1800-4]

The Radio-Active Appliance was recommended as part of a regimen to improve sleep, reduce weight, calm nervous conditions, ease nerve disorders and for many other conditions.

…bringing the better metabolism, which is the BASIS FIRST of all disorders within a living organism! [Reading 1800-14]

…keeping coordination between the superficial circulation and the deeper circulations of the body… [Reading 1291-1]

The Radio-Active Appliance is a solid-state device on the order of a large dry-cell battery; however, it does not produce an electric current. When the leads are attached to the wrists and ankles, it utilizes the body’s own electric charges to foster healing. It is sometimes used in conjunction with a solution jar containing compounds of gold, silver, camphor, iodine or other chemical compounds, depending upon the condition being treated. According to the readings, it is the vibrations or emanations of these compounds that are carried into the cells of the body, not the chemicals themselves.

 …the forces as are applicable to the human ailments from such an application of electronic forces as may be received from a battery formation of carbon steel, which becomes electronized by ice or cold, or water, partaking then of that element, that vibration, in the Universal elements of which man, human body, the greater component forces made up of same. [Reading 1800-4]

(Q)    Does the current flow first from the body to the applicator and then back to the body after going through the applicator?

(A)    First from body to applicator, then back… [Reading 1800-14]

The Wet Cell Appliance is generally used for more serious ailments. It is constructed in the manner of a wet-cell battery, with a charging solution and electrodes, and produces a very low current. It is used with a solution jar.

 We would use the Wet Cell Appliance, the low form of galvanic electrical forces carrying to the system the acid AND an alkaline solution through its VIBRATIONS alone. [Reading 1026-1]

We find that any of such solutions may be given to the body, as we have indicated, through this manner; causing the activity of same without it passing through the system itself, for it may be directed to various organs of the system that are in need of such elements… [Reading 1800-25]

…with the vibrations or influences carried through the Wet Cell Appliance to CLEANSE the system… with the addition of the properties necessary (carried vibrationally into the system through the Wet Cell Appliance) to keep a BALANCE in the body. And thus we will clear up all of these disturbing effects. [Reading 1042-1]

Use the low Wet Cell Appliance for nerve energy building. [Reading 2836-1]

…begin with the use of the low electrical vibrations that come from the galvanic or the Wet Cell Appliance carrying solutions… Only the VIBRATIONS of these would be taken into the system, you see. [Reading 1024-1]

The low electrical vibrations from the static forces, or galvanic, as indicated for the body (through the Wet Cell Appliance carrying the vibratory forces of the properties for the system) are the better. [Reading 1343-3]


Remember, treatment recommendations in the readings were given to specific individuals. They are reprinted here as excerpts, and are for informational purposes only. See complete reading for full treatment and context. Testing the efficacy for yourself requires following sound healthcare practices.


Ron Feldheim has studied, promoted, and taught the Edgar Cayce Readings for over thirty years.  Beginning with the formation of the Miami Council in 1980, Ron’s focus has been on organizing and developing local field programs.  Ron expanded his role as a field volunteer when the Miami and Palm Beach Councils later merged to form the Gold Coast Team.  At this same time, A.R.E. Headquarters chartered the Southeast Region, and Ron was invited to join the Region Core Team of active volunteers.  He then became the first Chairman of the Region’s Management Team, and after a six-year stint developed the position of Retreat Coordinator.  He has been a member of two A Search For God Study Groups.

Currently residing in Miami Beach, he is Area Team Coordinator and just completed a one-year term as Chairman of the Region’s Management Team.  Ron is a speaker, writer, healer, and intuitive.  Ron’s professional career has been in Clinical Microbiology and Information Technology.